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House of Correction

An unusual place in Hawarden, Flintshire...

As an ex-cop I'm always interested how the authorities dealt with miscreants in times gone by, well one of the more unusual historical architectural anomalies in Flintshire is the ‘House of Correction’ in Hawarden. The building is essentially an ancient 'Criminal Lock-up' and is situated at the top of Crosstree Lane as it joins Glynne Way, Hawarden.

The stone lintel above the door actually states 'House of Correction.'

The building is on two levels, one of which is below ground. There is no exact date for its construction but it is known to date from the 1750’s or earlier and was built for use as an overnight place to accommodate local law breakers who would often be drunks and the like.

Adjacent to the right, were the village stocks and whipping-post. These were replaced by a stone water-pump which was in regular use until 1866 – the remains are just out of shot to the right of the large lime tree. 

In ancient times, Hawarden had three ancient crosses along its thoroughfare but in 1641, at the time of the English Civil War, under a Parliamentary order, all street crosses were destroyed. 

In 1742, the Parish Clerk, Thomas Fisher, planted trees to mark the sites and the lime tree on the right of the House of Correction is the only survivor and once had a seat around its base.

#Hawarden #Crime #explorenorthwales #discovernorthwales #history #Flintshire

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