So, it's the 13th April 2021. A day which shall live in infamy for my family. It's 80 years to the very day since my uncle Gerald Davies was killed in action - he's the one standing in this photograph, taken at Paramythia in Greece in the weeks before he was killed.
He'd be 103 now would Gerald Davies, had he survived the fateful Easter Sunday raid made by 211 Squadron on that day. Not impossible... my grandmother was 102 when she died. Even if he'd have lived until his seventies or eighties, I would have known him. As it was, at the young age of 23, he died in northern Greece along with the men of six other Blenheim aircraft sent to stop the Germans invading Greece.
Pictured above are two crew Gerald flew with; Squadron LeaderJames Gordon-Finlayson (left) and Pilot Officer Arthur Geary. 'The Bish' as Sqn Leader Gordon-Finlayson was known, had been promoted to Wing Commander and survived the war, but Arthur Geary died in the same aircraft as my uncle. He was 31 and one of the oldest in the squadron.
When you are taking your freedoms for granted, think on of the men who lost their lives during this great time to ensure you can go about your business as you do.
Lest we forget.
The full story coming soon in 'Gerald's War.'