Well, here it is, my new author blog and, to start, here's a great view of Flintshire as seen from the Wirral Peninsular.
I'm not good at this lark, I mean, writing a blog - most blogs go unread or have two visitors a year, so it'll be like a bit of a diary for me and my work as an author if nothing else.
I took photographs for a living once ... amongst other things, as you can read in my bio, so I'll try and incorporate a few photographs too from time to time.
I write anbout what I know, where I've been and the experiences I've had. Anyone who's read either Excalibur Reborn or Gerald's War, will now that these books include much about my home area of North Wales, particularly Flintshire.
If you've never visited Flintshire
that's a must for your bucket list. The area is steeped in history, much of which is untold, so there's much to learn as you travel around the county.